Collection: Chinze Ojobo 🇳🇬

Chinze Ojobo is a Nigerian female artist. She is the founder of KultureKode Art Hub, Abuja, Nigeria and the National President of Female Artists Association of Nigeria (FEAAN). She has had over 70 art (solo and group) exhibitions. Her specialty is acrylic on canvas and jute and mixed media. Her paintings are detailed and highly textured and rich in symbolism. Her colors are vibrant and full of energy. She believes in using visual arts to help drive greater gender equality and advocacy for Women and children. One of her exhibitions at the European School of Economics, London, “Glass Ceiling Shattered” highlighted the plight of the girl-child. Chinze received Africa’s most prestigious Art award: "2018 African Creative Artist of the Year Award" which was delivered to her at the UK House of Commons in an event hosted by Rt. Hon Dianne Abott. She is an exponent of the ancient African Ulli art school where she was influenced by legendary artist El Anatsui. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Fine and Applied Arts from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. She also studied Interior designing in the USA and has two post graduate diplomas in Public Relations and Advertising and Business administration. Chinze obtained certificates in Curating and Art Marketing from Sotheby’s Institute of Art, London.
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